Description of the disease * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definition An heterogeneous group of cases that are clinically diagnosed as Werner syndrome (WS) but do not carry <i>WRN</i> gene mutations. Similar to classical WS caused by <i>WRN</i> mutations, patients generally exhibit an aged appearance and common age-related disorders at earlier ages compared to the general population. Disease data Classification Disease Synonyms Atypical progeroid syndrome Atypowy zespół progeroidalny ORPHA code 79474 OMIM code - ICD10 code E34.8 ICD11 code - *Soruce Extended description of the disease Pobierz sekcję do PDF No additional description. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie