Congenital anomaly of the tricuspid valve chordae

Orpha code: 99055OMIM code:


A rare, congenital anomaly of the tricuspid subvalvular apparatus characterized by aberrant tendinous chords, which insert at the clear zone of the leaflet instead of its free edge and connect to the endocardium instead of the papillary muscles. Resulting tethering of one or more tricuspid leaflets leads to their impaired mobility and tricuspid regurgitation. Association with other congenital cardiac anomalies has been reported.

Disease data

Morphological anomaly

Congenital anomaly of tricuspid chordae tendineae
Congenital anomaly of tricuspid tendinous chords
Congenital anomaly of tricuspid chordae tendineae
Congenital anomaly of tricuspid tendinous chords
ORPHA code
OMIM code
ICD10 code
ICD11 code

No additional description.

Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie