Description of the disease * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definition A rare genetic multiple congenital anomalies/dysmorphic syndrome characterized by congenital microcephaly, infantile-onset epileptic encephalopathy, and profound developmental delay. Additional reported features include cortical visual impairment, sensorineural hearing loss, increased muscle tone, limb contractures, scoliosis, and dysmorphic features like midface hypoplasia, narrow forehead, short nose, narrowed nasal bridge, and small chin. Brain imaging may show thin corpus callosum and delayed myelination. Disease data Classification Disease Synonyms RNF13-related severe EOEE RNF13-related severe EOEE ORPHA code 544503 OMIM code 618379 ICD10 code G40.4 ICD11 code - *Soruce Extended description of the disease Pobierz sekcję do PDF No additional description. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie