Malignant epithelial tumor of salivary glands

Orpha code: 276145OMIM code:


A rare neoplastic disease characterized by the presence of a tumor located in the parotid, sublingual, submandibular and/or minor salivary glands, which presents with a wide spectrum of clinical features depending on the location, size and type of salivary gland involved, ranging from clinically asymptomatic, slow-growing, painless mass(es), that may or may not be fixed to underlying skin or muscles, to rapidly growing mass(es) associated with pain, facial weakness/nerve palsy, otorrhoea, dysphagia, palatal/parapharyngeal fullness, nasal obstruction/bleeding, voice hoarseness/change, dyspnea, trismus, palate bone erosion, telangiectasia, mucosal/skin ulceration and/or cervical adenopathy.

Disease data


ORPHA code
OMIM code
ICD10 code
ICD11 code

No additional description.

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