Description of the disease * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definition A rare pancreatic disease characterized by chronic non-alcoholic pancreatitis that presents with abdominal pain, steatorrhea, obstructive jaundice and responds well to steroid therapy and is seen in two subforms: type which affects elderly males, involves other organs and has increased immunoglobin G4 (IgG4) levels and type 2 which affects both sexes equally but presents at a younger age and has no other organ involvement or increased IgG4 levels. Disease data Classification Clinical group Synonyms AIP AIP ORPHA code 103919 OMIM code - ICD10 code K86.1 ICD11 code DC33 *Soruce Extended description of the disease Pobierz sekcję do PDF No additional description. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie