Opis choroby * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definicja A rare head and neck tumor characterized by a malignant epithelial neoplasm most commonly arising in the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity, occurring as a keratinizing, a non-keratinizing, or a spindle cell (sarcomatoid) type. Patients may present with nasal obstruction, epistaxis, rhinorrhea, swelling, or (at more advances stages) with facial pain and/or paralysis, diplopia, and proptosis. Patients with paranasal sinus tumors present later and at a higher stage than patients with nasal cavity carcinomas. Risk factors are smoking and industrial exposures. High-risk HPV is most frequently associated with the non-keratinizing type. Dane Klasyfikacja Choroba Synonimy Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and sinuses Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity and sinuses Kod ORPHA 500464 Kod OMIM 275355 Kod ICD10 D02.3 Kod ICD11 - *Źródło Rozszerzony opis choroby Pobierz sekcję do PDF Brak opisu rozszerzonego dla tej choroby. Opracowanie w toku. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie www.orphanet.pl