Opis choroby * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definicja Hyper-IgM syndrome without susceptibility to opportunistic infections is a rare, genetic, primary immunodeficiency due to a defect in adaptive immunity disorder characterized by normal or elevated IgM serum levels with low or absent IgG, IgA and IgE serum concentrations, which manifests with recurrent bacterial sinopulmonary and gastrointestinal infections, with frequent lymphoid hyperplasia (peripheral lymphadenopathy, tonsillar hypertrophy), with no increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections. Autoimmune manifestations (including immune cytopenias, arthritis and hepatitis) are occasionally associated. Immunologic findings reveal absent immunoglobulin class switch recombination and lack of defect of immunoglobulin somatic hypermutations in the presence of normal numbers of CD27+ memory B cells. Dane Klasyfikacja Choroba Synonimy HIGM without susceptibility to opportunistic infections HIGM bez podatności na zakażenia oportunistyczne Kod ORPHA 183666 Kod OMIM 608184 Kod ICD10 D80.5 Kod ICD11 4A01.1Y *Źródło Rozszerzony opis choroby Pobierz sekcję do PDF Brak opisu rozszerzonego dla tej choroby. Opracowanie w toku. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie www.orphanet.pl