Description of the disease * EnglishPolish Pobierz sekcję do PDF Definition Keratoderma hereditarium mutilans is a rare, diffuse, mutilating, hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma disorder characterized by severe, honeycomb-pattern palmoplantar keratosis and pseudoainhum of the digits leading to autoamputation, associated with mild to moderate congenital sensorineural hearing loss. Additional features include stellate keratosis on the extensor surfaces of the fingers, feet, elbows and knees. Alopecia, onychogryphosis, nail dystrophy or clubbing, spastic paraplegia and myopathy may also be associated. Disease data Classification Disease Synonyms Mutilating keratoderma of Vohwinkel PPK mutilans i głuchota Rogowiec okaleczający plus głuchota Rogowiec okaleczający Vohwinkela Zespół Vohwinkela Mutilating keratoderma plus deafness Mutilating keratoderma plus hearing loss PPK mutilans and deafness PPK mutilans and hearing loss Vohwinkel syndrome ORPHA code 494 OMIM code 124500 ICD10 code Q82.8 ICD11 code - *Soruce Extended description of the disease Pobierz sekcję do PDF No additional description. Orphanet - interntowa baza danych dotyczących rzadkich chorób i sierochych leków. ©INSERM 1999 - Dostępna na stronie